Effective, easy and thorough cleaning of large areas in your home - giving you more time for the pleasant things in life!
If you need to clean spaces of more than 100m², this steam cleaner will be one of your favourite household essentials.
With its rectangular shape, Vileda’s Steam XXL will help you achieve a hygienic clean in your household and simultaneously reduce your time spent on floor cleaning. Its high efficiency and hygienic ability to kill 99.9% of floor bacteria and germs speak for the steam cleaner XXL’s superiority to most other cleaning products. And it only takes 15 seconds to heat up!
Ideal for big households
If you have a big house with big rooms and want to clean them hygienically, easy and fast, then our STEAM XXL is the ideal product for you. It heats up in only 15 seconds and maneuvers into every corner.
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